About Our School

Our Mascot

The Lion

Our Colors

Purple and Yellow


Sara Valenzuela

Assistant Principal

Alexandra Ruybal

Main Phone Number

(505) 892-2575


(505) 892-2575 Extension 1


(505) 892-9862

MLK Bell Schedule

Days of the Week

1st Bell

2nd Bell

Dismissal Bell





Vision: At MLK we strive to cultivate well-rounded, independent, kind, and capable learners and leaders.

Mission: At MLK, we aim to create a community of learners where every student feels they have a place, a purpose, and a voice by providing a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which all achievements are celebrated.

School Profile

MLK Campus

Grade Levels Served:K-5 with special programs
Founded: Fall 1986, by Albuquerque Public Schools

Staff Profile:

Employees: 82

  • Teachers: 46

  • Instructional Support Staff: 25

  • Non-Instructional Support Staff: 11

School Goals:

Students will attain high levels of performance in academic and life skills, including but not limited to reading, writing, mathematics, communications skills, teamwork, and problem solving.

School Programs:

Homework and Tutoring Club, Direct Instruction Reading Tutoring, math tutoring, before/after-school fine arts program, mediation, Skill Builders, Academy of Reading, Literacy Groups, Student Ambassadors, National Elementary Honor Society, community programs such as Boys and Girls Club and Boy and Girl Scouts, S.A.F.E. before- and after-school programs.


Address: 1301 Nicklaus Dr. SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124

Geographic Area Served: Gleneagles, Country Club Hills, Broadmoor, Panorama Heights, and portions of High Resort, Western Hills, Clearview, Cabezon, and Unit 16

Student Profile:

Enrollment: 628 (October 2022)
Percent Special Education: 16.9%
Percent English-Language Learners: 3.7%

Ethnicity/Race: The percentages for each category are rounded up or down to the nearest .1 which may cause the total to slightly exceed or be below 100%. In addition, families of mixed-race heritage may now also designate their child as being of more than one race. This may cause the percentages to add up to a number that is other than 100%.

African-American: 5.0%
American Indian: 3.9%
Asian: 5.5%
Caucasian (non-Hispanic): 32.1%
Hispanic: 52.9%
Pacific Islander: 0.2%
Other/unknown: 0.0%